Thursday, November 18, 2010

Armor All 2n1 Clean and Protect by Vince Stella

New - Product Strategy: Armor All wipes claim to be a quick and easy way to clean your car. In fact the even say on their own website that they are a "one step" way to clean. Funny how they make you buy two different types of cleaning wipes to do the same job. The original cleaning wipe leaves streaks so they make you buy the protectant to get rid of the streaks and prevent a greese build up on the surface. The Armor All 2n1 Clean and Protect wipes will take care of that in half the time, because it is a cleaning product and a protectant product, in 1 easy, simple, truly "1 step" wipe.

Idea Generation: Frequent customers of Armor All wipes like myself enjoy cleaning on the go. But who wants to clean what you just cleaned? No one, in a time efficiant manner, the 2n1 Clean and Protect wipe will take care of that in half the time.

Idea Screening: This will pass through the original screening process because who doesn't want to save time and money, which this will be doing.

Business Analysis: All different car mantinence stores are always looking to buy the latest car cleaning product, and this will be no different. They will like the fast and easy way that this product cleans and with the money people will save on not buying two different sets of wipes, they will be more inclined to spend their money on other products in the store, which will make retail stores such as Advanced Auto more likely to buy more of the Armor All products.

Development: This will be very easy to develop, for we will replace the old wipe that was thin like a napkin with a more spongey, but yet cheap, material. This will make the wipe itself last longer and will be able to absord the doubled amount of cleaning chemicals that are in the 2n1 product.

Test Market: We will make a deal with car detailing shops and let them try out this new 2n1 cleaning product for free. After they see how much time they save they will want to buy large amounts of our product. Of course we will have to use discretion, anyone over the age of 39 (sorry Mrs. Lidy) might go into a shock induced cardiac arrest because of the amount of time they save using this product.

Commercialization: This product will practically sell itself, we will make ads in car magizines, and trust on word of mouth to sell this product.